Tag Archives: Iowa radon

Facts About the National Radon Action Plan

What is the National Radon Action Plan?national radon action plan, radon testing and mitigation ia

Through the collaboration of a variety of groups including the American Lung Association, Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Health and Human Services, Cancer Survivors Against Radon, and many others, the Radon Action Plan has been created. This plan was created to be a strategy for radon education and prevention.

Radon is a radioactive gas that is odorless, colorless, and tasteless. It is created through the decomposition of uranium that occurs naturally in the soil. The gas often seeps through cracks in your business or home’s foundation and can cause a variety of health issues if left to its own devices. The most serious of which being lung cancer. Radon is known to take the lives of 21,000 people every year. The Nation Radon Action Plan wants to drastically reduce and hopes to eliminate those numbers altogether.

Radon Risks and Prevention

Radon is known to be the second leading cause of lung cancer, right behind smoking. For nonsmokers it is the number one cause of lung cancer. In order to protect yourself and your family, your home may need regular radon testing. Radon testing is the only way to tell if your home has dangerous levels of radon gas. Testing your home for radon is cheap and easy, so there is no reason to not have it done. If your home is found to have high levels of gas, your home will likely need a radon mitigation system. This is a series of fans and vents that will rid your home of radon, therefore decreasing the levels of radon and protecting your business or home’s inhabitants from the health risks.

To learn more about the National Radon Action Plan, click here. For radon testing or radon mitigation services, you can contact us here at Ameriserv Radon Mitigation of Iowa. Because Iowa is known to have the highest average levels of radon in the United States, with the majority of homes having dangerous levels, radon testing is a necessity. We can provide you with both radon testing and radon mitigation services. Contact us today for more information!

Does Radon Risk Get Worse in Winter?

Radon Levels During Iowa Winters

During the wintertime, many people become more concerned about silent killers like carbon monoxide in their homes. However, there is another invisible gas you may not know about that can be just as dangerous to you and your family. This is radon, the odorless, tasteless, and colorless gas that is the second leading cause of lung cancer, killing about 400 Iowans every year. This danger is especially prominent in the wintertime in your Iowa home.

How does radon enter your home? Normally, this gas decays from uranium in the soil and seeps upwards into your home through foundation cracks. The gas can also enter your home through well-water or other sources. So why is radon a bigger deal in the winter months?

  • Iowa Radon Risk in WinterLess Ventilation: Because all of the windows and doors are kept closed during the wintertime, there is less opportunity for radon to escape. Instead, it builds up in the home.
  • Greater Stack-Effect: The stack-effect is what occurs when the warmer air in the home rises and escapes out of the top – through the attic, chimney, etc. As this warmer air exits the home, radon- heavy air from the soil below rises to replace it.
  • Warm Soil Under Home: Radon cannot easily rise through frozen ground. During the wintertime, the radon will instead rise through the warmer ground under your foundation and seep through cracks into your home.

These are a few reasons that it is good to be aware of the dangers of elevated radon levels during the winter months and to have your home tested.

How to Protect Your Home from Iowa Winter Radon Levels

Because those living in your home could suffer significant adverse health effects from prolonged radon exposure, it is important to have your home tested. If you are concerned about the Iowa radon risk during the wintertime in your home, have a short-term or long-term radon test done by the expert team at Ameriserv today.

Winter Iowa Radon Risk ReductionIf you do find that your home has higher than average levels of radon, it is important to have the problem taken care of as soon as possible. Ameriserv offers professional radon mitigation services that can help to significantly reduce the levels of radon gas in your Iowa home.

The radon mitigation system can consist of a hole in the foundation with a suction point on top and a PVC pipe system. The PVC is connected to the suction point, which pulls radon out of the ground and then carries the gas to a vent, where it can exit the home. A fan is then attached to make sure that the air moves in the right direction.

Contact us right away to learn about these and more radon solutions to reduce the Iowa radon risk in your home.