Category Archives: Radon Testing

Iowa School Districts: Keep Radon On Your Radar

Be On The Lookout For Radon In Your Home & School District

Iowa Radon Testing & MitigationAs this past January was Radon Action Month, many Iowa homeowners have tested their homes for radon and taken action against it. Not only did homeowners participate in this stand against radon, but the Keokuk Community School District decided to join in as well. In the state of Iowa, it is only required for 4 year old preschools to have radon testing done every two years, but Keokuk decided that it is equally as important to test for radon in every classroom and school facility. Your home may be the number one cause of radon exposure, but what you may not know is that school buildings are a close second. That being said, it is extremely important for Iowa school districts to be aware of radon exposure and do the best they can to protect their students.

Where Does Radon Come From?

Keep Radon Out Of Your SchoolsMost people are aware that radon is a dangerous radioactive gas that can be found trapped inside of buildings, but where does it come from? Radon’s ultimate source is uranium, which can be found in any type of rock. The radioactive decay of uranium produces radium, which then produces radon. Since radon is a gas, it is extremely more mobile than it’s parents, uranium and radium, which are contained in the solid matter of rocks and soil. This radioactive gas can escape from the soil into buildings through differences in air pressure, cracks in foundations, and permeability around basement walls. It can also be released through aerated and processed water sources, but this occurrence is less likely to happen.

Unfortunately, the presence of radon is inevitable since it comes from a natural source. This dangerous gas is the leading cause of lung cancer deaths among nonsmokers in the USA, so as you can see, it is extremely detrimental to our health and environment. Testing for radon and being aware of it’s presence is the first step that every homeowner and school district should take. Once you know what the radon levels are in your environment, you can take the next steps in removing it from your facility.

Getting Rid Of Radon

Ameriserv Radon offers radon mitigation, which ultimately removes radon from your facility. To do this, we can install a radon mitigation system that will redirect radon gas out of your home or school building. One of the solutions that we offer consists of drilling a hole in the foundation and creating a suction point. Then, a PVC pipe is installed and used as a vent for the radon gas to be eliminated. To allow air to flow in the right direction, a fan is connected to this system, which runs continuously.

Be sure to call Ameriserv Radon for all of your radon testing and mitigation needs in Bondurant, IA and surrounding areas. We are the professional team that you need to keep radon away from your school building. Call us today!

January: Radon Action Month

Take Action Against Radon in Januaryradon testing in iowa

The governor of Iowa, Terry Branstad, has formally declared that January will become Radon Action Month. The state of Iowa is known for its high and even dangerous levels of radon in its homes and the governor wants to bring attention to it. Radon is a radioactive, odorless, colorless, and tasteless gas that comes from the decomposition of uranium in the earth.

Radon enters homes through the foundation. It can seep through cracks and other small openings. High levels of radon gas in a home can eventually lead to health issues such as lung infections and even lung cancer. It is known to be the second leading cause of lung cancer, right behind smoking cigarettes. It is the leading cause of lung cancer in nonsmokers.

So, how do you know if your Iowa home has dangerous levels of radon gas? Radon testing is a relatively inexpensive way to know if your home’s radon levels are too high. These tests can and should be performed in homes, businesses, and schools. According to the EPA, 50% of Iowa homes have elevated radon levels. It is likely that your home has high levels of radon. The EPA has stated that any home with a 4.0 pCi/L or higher is in danger. Get your home tested today. Make sure your future is safe.

Radon Testing and Mitigation in Iowa

If you order a test and find that your home or business has a hazardous level of radon gas, radon mitigation is your best bet to get rid of it. Radon mitigation is a series of vents and fans that can be installed into your home or business to rid the space of radon gas. Ameriserv of Iowa can offer both radon testing and radon mitigation for your Iowa home. We are a business that specializes in radon. We are a skilled and experienced team of professionals, so make sure to contact us today for all your radon testing and mitigation needs. Our service area covers all of Iowa. Give us a call! We want to see all of Iowa with safe homes. Take action against radon today!

EPA Announces Radon Plan

EPA Cracking Down on RadonEPA radon testing, mitigation, iowa

Recently, the EPA announced its collaboration with groups such as the American Lung Association and the American Association of Radon. Because radon is known to be the second leading cause of lung cancer–right behind smoking–these groups have gotten together to help reduce radon induced lung cancer deaths. Through education and radon reduction strategies, the EPA hopes to reduce radon related deaths. They are determined to prevent 3,200 deaths annually by 2020.

Radon gas is a stealthy killer; you can’t smell, taste, or see it. It also does not produce symptoms, even minor ones–such as a headache. It will only produce symptoms when it is too late. Regardless you should watch for persistent cough, wheezing, heavy breathing, and lung infections. That is why education and radon testing for homes is so important. Iowa is known to have some of the highest levels of radon in the United States. On average, the levels in most Iowa homes are above the EPA red-zone, a 4.0 pCi/L. Anything above a 4.0 is considered dangerous.

Iowa Radon Testing and Mitigationradon testing, mitigation in iowa

So, what should you do to keep you and your family safe and healthy? Regular radon testing is the first step. Contact us here at Ameriserv Radon, we can provide radon testing for your Iowa home. Radon testing is inexpensive, so it is a smart and responsible investment in your home and your family. We can also answer questions you may have about radon gas, radon testing, and radon mitigation. If you happen to find radon in your home after testing, do not panic. It can be fixed. Radon mitigation systems can be installed in your Iowa home. Radon mitigation is a way to expel the radon gas from your home. We can help determine which type of system is right for your Iowa home.

Contact us today to learn more about radon gas, radon testing, or radon mitigation. We have a team of experienced specialists who want to help educate the public on the dangers of radon. Our service area covers most of Iowa, including Carroll, Des Moines, Ames, Grinnell, and more. Ameriserv Radon is your radon expert for the state of Iowa. Give us a call today!

University of Iowa Finds Significant Amounts of Radon in Iowa Homes

Radon Levels in Iowa Homes are Shockingly Highiowa radon levels found high in university of iowa study

The University of Iowa recently conducted research in Akron, Iowa to test radon levels in Iowa homes. The study was conducted in 2013 and published in September of 2015. Although Iowa is known to have some of the highest concentration of radon, the numbers surprised the researchers. The results showed higher levels of radon than expected. This is bad news for Iowa homeowners.

Radon is a clear, odorless, tasteless gas, and it is highly dangerous in confined spaces, such as in a home. Radon comes from the breakdown of uranium in the Earth’s crust. Iowa just happens to be where a large concentration of uranium in the Earth’s crust is. This is why Iowa is known to have higher levels of radon than other states in the country. It enters a home through small cracks in the foundation or by seeping through the concrete’s pores. Unfortunately, there isn’t much way to keep radon from entering your home. What you can do is make sure it leaves before it harms anyone in your home.

Ameriserv can Help Keep your Iowa Radon Levels Low

Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in humans. Cigarette smoke is the first. Radon is the leading cause of lung cancer in nonsmokers. Most American homes have a harmless small amount of radon, but when you have levels that reach 4 pCi/L (picocuries per liter) that can lead to health concerns. Some Iowa homes that were tested were 10 to 20 times that level. One even 30 times that. In fact, 4 out of 5 homes tested were over the EPA recommended level of 4 pCi/L. Obviously, it is not something you want in your home. If radon is left alone it can lead to harmful heath issues in time. That is why having regular radon testing and a radon mitigation system installed in your Iowa home is the safest, most responsible choice for Iowa homeowners.

Testing for radon is cheap and easy and can help you determine if your home is safe for its inhabitants. Testing once in the cold season and once in the warm season is a good way to start. From there, testing once or twice every couple of years will keep you informed. If you find dangerous levels of radon in your home, you must consider a radon mitigation system. This is a series of vents and fans that will push the radon outside your home where it becomes harmless because it is no longer in a confined space. Unfortunately, a radon mitigation system is relatively expensive. Considering though that high radon levels can lead to lung cancer, it is worth the cost.

Contact us here at Ameriserv Radon today. We can help you with radon testing and installation of radon mitigation systems. We offer services across Iowa. To learn more about radon click here. We look forward to working with you, so give us a call today!

Raising Radon Awareness in Iowa

It’s Radon Awareness Week!

radon awareness in IowaOctober 19th and 25th is Radon Awareness Week and it has never been more important. Homeowners everywhere need to be made aware of this very harmful gas, especially in Iowa. Iowa has radon levels well above the national average. It’s our goal to make all homeowners in the state of Iowa aware of the dangers of radon, and also let them know there are tests and solutions for their radon problems.

Did you know that radon affects as many as one in fifteen homes in the United States? Most people that have elevated levels in their home have absolutely no idea that it is a problem. It is also believed that radon is the second leading cause of cancer in the United States, only being beaten out for number one by smoking. That means that radon can kill you, but it is also something you can prevent easily if you know the facts. That is why Radon Awareness Week is a big deal.

Radon Testing: A Must in Iowa

Radon has no smell, and no immediate symptoms of radon exposure will appear. That is why it is critical to have your Iowa home tested for radon levels. Radon is odorless, colorless, and can enter your home from the soil underneath the foundation. As an expert in radon, Ameriserv can provide you with a radon test of your Iowa home. We are certified professionals that can provide you with testing, but also with a solution. Radon mitigation moves radon up and out of your home safely. Installing a radon mitigation system can keep your family safe. Even in new construction homes in Iowa, radon can be a problem. Don’t wait, get a test, find a solution, play it safe. For more information on Radon Awareness Week or Radon Mitigation, contact the team at Amerserv Radon.

Before Your Close Your Home Up For Winter – Get a Radon Kit For your Iowa Home

Why Use Radon Kits Iowa Before Winter?

Radon Kits Iowa Options for Winter

Radon is a colorless, odorless, tasteless gas that can cause serious health issues for you and your family. If you live in Iowa, your chances of being exposed to radon are especially high, since Iowa homes tend to have relatively high levels of radon compared to other states. Because radon is undetectable to humans, it is important that you have your home professionally tested for radon. This is especially important to do before the winter time, when you close up your home.

Most homeowners are not aware that radon levels in homes can increase in winter due to the greater stack-effect in the home (the warm air rises to the top of the home, where it escapes – it is then replaced by radon-laden air from the soil below). Radon also cannot rise though frozen ground as easily. This means that it will push through the warmer ground under your foundation. Poorer ventilation in the wintertime can also increase home radon levels.

All of these are important reasons to have your home tested for elevated radon levels. How should you have your home tested? A good way to start the radon-testing process is to purchase a home radon test kit. Ameriserv Radon Mitigation can provide you with DIY radon test kits Iowa to determine how much radon is present in your home.

The Radon Kits Iowa Home Testing Procedure

When administering a DIY radon test in your Iowa home, it is important to realize that although these radon kits are a great way to check short term radon levels in your home, they are not entirely conclusive. If you find that the test kit shows a high radon level, it is best to follow the DIY test with a professional radon test to determine the severity of the problem and come up with a solution.


How do radon test kits work? There are a few important steps to using the radon kits Iowa in your home:

  1. Close off the home: Making sure that all of your windows and doors are closed will ensure that the test kit gives you an accurate result.
  2. Placing the detector: When you place the detector, be sure that it is somewhere where it will not be bothered or moved for the 48 hour duration of the radon test.
  3. Read directions: Because all radon test kits are a little different, it is important to carefully read the directions and then follow them as exactly as possible for the best results.
  4. Send the detector: After the test, you will probably have to send the radon detector off to a lab in order to get the results.

Thinking about purchasing a radon test kit for your Iowa home? Ameriserv provides radon testing home kits for just $15.00. We can also provide short-term and long-term radon testing as well as mitigation system installation if necessary after you complete the DIY radon home test kit. Contact us today to find out more.

Radon in Your Home? Don’t Panic! We know what to do.

How To Test Your Home For Radon

If you are concerned about high radon levels in your home, here’s what you can do.Radon testing Carroll Iowa

First of all, don’t panic! Although radon is dangerous, it is very easy to get rid of. You can do at-home testing as well as hire a professional to take care of it for you. Radon is found in most Iowa homes. It is everywhere, you can’t avoid it, but you can get rid of it over time.

Here is how to test your home for radon. You can start with a do-it-yourself test. You can purchase a radon test kit from almost any hardware store or your local health department. It is wise to perform multiple tests as one test may not be accurate. Radon levels tend to fluctuate, so you may want to do more than one test over a period of time to find the average radon level in your home.

If your first test comes back with levels between 4 and 8 pCi/L, you should immediately follow up with another test. If you need quick results, a short term test can take 2-7 days. Long term tests can take from 3 months to a year, which will give you the most accurate results if you are willing to wait that long. The higher your levels, the sooner you should test again. You can also have a professional inspector come in and test the radon levels in your home.

After you have tested for radon various times and have a good average number of the radon levels in your home, it’s time to get it properly treated. You will want to hire a professional, well-trained, and licensed mitigation contractor to remove radon from your home. If you are on a budget and a true “do-it-yourselfer”, there are resources online published by professionals that you can use. If this interests you, check out Infeltec INC.

Inspect for Radon Before Selling Your Home

Selling Your Home & Inspecting for Radon

Radon is a colorless and odorless deadly gas that is attributed to be the leading cause of lung cancer for non-smokers. This deadly substance has made its way into more than half of the homes in Iowa, although many homeowners may be unaware of its inconspicuous entrance. It is accountable for 20,000 to 25,000 deaths per year in the United States, and can cause physical and mental issues in the development of infants and young children. Not only is radon extremely hazardous to you and your family’s health, but it can may influence your potential to sell your home.

Researchers on this radioactive gas have noticed that it can be found in new and old homes alike. Whether your home has insulation or not, a basement or not, it is still prone to radon entrance. Sometimes, there are extremely high levels of radon in a new home, but none found in an old one. So as you can see, the age of your home does not affect the radon level. Rather, it is completely dependent on the soil underneath your home. Radon occurs naturally when uranium is broken down in the soil, and then enters through any cracks or openings in your foundation. If the inside of your home has a lower air pressure than the soil outside, your home will be more apt to take in radon. Radon can also be released in water through your sink or shower, though this is not as high of a risk as when it comes through the soil. Rarely, your granite or concrete can give off radon.

Will High Radon Levels Influence Potential Buyers?

Selling your home and radon detection

When it comes to real estate, it is important to inspect for radon before selling your home. Potential buyers in Iowa should be aware that radon is a major current issue in most homes. Make sure there is a mutual understanding between you and your potential buyer about how radon levels will be taken care of.

Depending on your state’s disclosure laws, you may be required to include your home’s radon levels in your sale disclosure. If you have not had your home tested for radon, and levels come up high in the home inspection, your potential buyers may have the right to cancel if they are not satisfied with the results. In this case, in order to save the deal, you may have to pay for the radon to be removed or make a mutual agreement with your potential buyer on splitting the difference. If your potential buyers walk away from the contract, you will be obligated to include radon levels in your next sale disclosure, which may turn away other potential buyers.

Fortunately, it isn’t very challenging to get rid of high radon levels, although it may be expensive. Typically, it will cost 1,000 to 2,000 to have radon removal equipment installed by a professional. It may be wise to take care of radon levels in your home and include what you spent in your asking price before listing your home. A home that is radon-clear will be very attractive to a potential buyer and can allow for a smoother process.