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School District Radon Testing Iowa

Schools are one of the most important parts of our society. But what happens when they become a dangerous place for children? What do we do then? Radon has recently been found in some schools, which, because they’re filled with children, is a serious problem. That’s why we have school district radon testing Iowa to help you out. We are your Iowa Radon Mitigation team.

What is radon? Radon is a gas that can be…well…anywhere, really. It can be anywhere where there’s soil or water, which, in reality, is everywhere. The danger of radon depends on the amount there is and the concentration in any given place. Radon is much more dangerous to children, mostly because they’re smaller, but also because their lungs are still developing and are, yes, smaller. It is proven that a ten year old child receives twice the dose of radon than an adult who’s been exposed for the same amount of time. And schools are filled with tons of children that are younger than ten, so what are the limits of harm to them?

School District Radon Mitigation Iowa

The reason that radon is so dangerous is because it causes lung cancer. In fact, radon is the second largest cause of lung cancer in the nation, next to smoking. Lung cancer is deadly and saddening, and we’re on a mission to cure and prevent it, not encourage it! Also, radon is called a “silent killer” because it’s undetectable to the five human senses. It’s in the air, so you can’t feel it, you can’t smell it, you can’t taste it, and it’s clear, so you can’t see it either! Well, what do you do then? You need to get your school tested. If high radon levels are found, you need to take action to lower them. You need our school district radon testing Iowa and our school district radon mitigation Iowa services. Prevent children from getting hurt by this terrible silent killer. If you need school district radon mitigation Iowa, we’re your people! Call us, and we’ll test your school! We offer radon cities in the following cities plus more in Iowa: Des Moines, Carroll, Harlan, and Urbandale.

School Radon Mitigation Iowa

School Radon Mitigation IowaRadon in schools is certainly a topic of concern for all. At AmeriServ, we can be your school radon mitigation Iowa service provider. A nationwide survey of levels of radon in schools estimates that nearly one in five of every school in the US has at least one frequently occupied room with short-term radon levels that are higher than the EPA recommended mitigation levels. Iowa schools and home stand at a higher risk than most because of the high levels of radon in the Iowa soils. Typically a school building will have higher levels in some rooms than others, meaning the testing is not the same throughout the building. It is necessary to test all frequently occupied classrooms that have contact with the ground in order to identify where the elevated levels are occurring. The school radon mitigation Iowa service team is at your service to protect schools and remedy any potential radon problems. AmeriServ is your Iowa radon mitigation team.

School District Radon Testing Iowa

Of course parents and families worry about potential dangers and risks while their children are at school. Worrying about the actual air they are breathing can be unsettling because we all know it is very difficult to protect people from something that has no smell, color or taste. The EPA has classified all 99 counties in Iowa as a “Zone 1” meaning they have the highest potential for indoor radon concentrations above 4 picocuries per liter.  The EPA does maintain, however, that “there is no known SAFE level of radon.” There is no doubt that radon is a problem in Iowa because it’s in the air.  That air surrounds Iowans on a daily basis. Iowa’s child care facilities are required to test for radon every other year but there is no requirement yet for K-12 schools regarding radon screening or mitigation.

For any questions or concerns about school radon mitigation in Iowa schools or Iowa school districts, please give AmeriServ Radon a call today. We are your radon mitigation Iowa team!





Radon Levels in Iowa – High Radon Tests Throughout Iowa

What is a safe level of radon?

How do you know your home is a healthy place when radon is odorless, tasteless, and colorless? This is why it is called the “silent killer” and is the number two cause of lung cancer in the United States. How do you know what level is an acceptable level? How do you know if you even have radon in your home at all? This is a task for AmeriServ Radon Mitigation Iowa. We can teach you about the radon levels that could be present in your home. Know that no level of radon is safe, but there is a point where it becomes dangerous. For your radon levels Iowa questions, we have answers for you!

Dangerous Levels of Radon in Iowa

Radon is measured in picocuries per liter (pCi/L). The smaller that number, the better. No matter what amount of radon is in your home, though, it can pose a danger. The bottom line is that any level of this dangerous gas poses a threat to you and your family.

The EPA says that 4.0 pCi/L is the action level for any space, however the World Health Organization actually states it is a lower rate of 3.0 pCi/L. At this level, the home needs to mitigated to lessen the radon levels right away. The EPA says radon is a larger threat to children than adults, but it is dangerous to everyone. It is also more hazardous to smokers who are already at risk of lung cancer.Radon Levels Iowa, Radon Levels IA

Radon enters a home through cracks, holes, or other openings (usually in the floor.) The pressure inside of your house is lower than the pressure surrounding it. This causes the “stack effect.” Like a vacuum, the radon infested air is sucked into your home. Radon levels generally rise when it gets chilly out because windows and doors are staying closed, so the radon has no way out.

The average radon level outside is .4 pCi/L. The national average for homes is 1.5 pCi/L. Iowa’s radon levels are even proven to be greater than other states. Chances are, if you live in an Iowa home, you have some sort of radon danger in your home. Let us help keep you and your family safe from that danger.

You might still be questioning how dangerous these various levels of radon are. To put it in perspective, even 1 pCi/L is equal to smoking two and a half cigarettes per day. The Chart for Radon Levels Iowaradiation in a 4.0 pCi/L level of radon is equal to the radiation from 100 chest x-rays. Hospitals will only allow you to get 4 chest x-rays in a year because they emit so much radiation. Radon is no doubt, a very dangerous gas.

How to Control Radon Levels in Iowa

The only way to know that radon is in your home is to do a test for the gas. AmeriServ Radon Mitigation Iowa can perform a quick, inexpensive test in your home to test for levels or radon gas. It is the very best way to know how to proceed. Once your home has been tested, AmeriServ can provide you with radon mitigation Iowa services. We can even install a radon mitigation Iowa system in your home to constantly lower its radon levels.

With 50 years in the construction world, we have the know how and expertise to set your home up right. You can count us to provide you with a quick solution that with keep you safe and provide you with peace of mind. This is not something you want to wait on. Radon levels in Iowa have been proven to be unusually high. Don’t take a chance, call AmeriServ with all your concerns about radon levels in Iowa today. We are here to serve your radon mitigation Iowa needs. Call us today for an appointment. Learn more today by visiting our FAQ page.


Choosing an Iowa Radon Company

Iowa Radon Company

Radon is a concern for many homeowners and businesses in the state of Iowa. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has ranked all of Iowa as high risk for high levels of radon. Radon is a natural radioactive gas that can cause cancer. With radon, you can not see it, smell it, or taste it and that is why it is such a worry. If your home or business has radon and you breathe it over a long period of time, it becomes a health risk. It is a leading cause of lung cancer in non-smokers and smokers.

Radon comes from the natural breakdown of uranium and radium in soil, rock and water. Air pressure is lower in your home than the pressure in the soil around your foundation. This difference in pressure acts like a vacuum by drawing the radon in through the foundation cracks and openings. The radon gets trapped in your home and builds up causing the problems. AmeriServ Radon Mitigation of Iowa has found it in new construction of homes and businesses, as well as, older construction. The first line of defense is to get your home tested by a reputable Iowa radon company to make sure the levels are less than 4.0PCi/L. Testing is the only way you will know for sure if you, your family or employees are at risk from radon.

When choosing an Iowa radon company, you will need to make sure the company and staff are fully licensed and insured. AmeriServ Radon Mitigation Iowa has the staff that can answer your questions and concerns. Their team is trained by the State of Iowa and certified by the Iowa Department of Public Health. They use the latest technology in radon mitigation to test your home and solve your radon issues. The qualified staff of AmeriServ Radon Mitigation of Iowa can install systems in new construction to prevent radon entering your home from the beginning. If you are considering doing home improvements, this might be the time to have your home tested and have mitigation solutions installed in your home. As a real estate agent, you should inform your clients of possible testing by an Iowa radon company that could be done before selling or buying a home. School radon testing can be done by the experienced staff at AmeriServ Iowa Radon Mitigation. If radon can get into your homes it can get into your schools. Children’s lungs are still developing and the danger is much higher for them than an adult. The technicians are qualified to test for radon in the schools in your area and create a solution to lower the levels of radon.

AmeriServ Radon Mitigation of Iowa is the Iowa radon company to choose for your testing and radon mitigation. They are highly trained, professional, and guarantee their work. Give them a call about your concerns and let them solve your radon issues that influence your quality of life for you and your family.


Iowa Radon Map: What it means for Iowa Residents

Iowa Radon Map

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has given the state of Iowa a level of high risk for the gas radon. As you can see by the map to the right, all of Iowa counties are in red. Red is the highest level of predicted average indoor radon screening level that is greater than 4 pCi/L. High levels of radon in your home, business or school can cause lung cancer according to the Iowa Department of Public Health. Since radon gas is odorless, colorless, and tasteless, you can see why it is such a dangerous gas. With the help of a qualified company like AmeriServ Radon Mitigation Iowa, you can have your home tested to make sure the levels fall below the recommended amounts.

Why does Iowa have such a high levels of radon? During the Ice Age glaciers moved over the land breaking up and carrying rocks from Minnesota, Wisconsin, Ontario to Iowa. With the movement of the glaciers these rocks got smaller and smaller increasing the surface area allowing radon to escape easier. Over more time the rain, freezing, thawing, plant roots, and exposure to oxygen, break down the rocks even more creating more surface area for the radon to escape. So all of these crushed up rocks filled with uranium and radium now cover the state of Iowa.

All across Iowa homes, businesses and schools have been built on soil that has radon in it. The pressure in the house or building is lower than the pressure around the foundation. The difference in the pressure works like a vacuum drawing the radon into your home through any cracks or openings. Your family now is breathing the radon gas and their health is a risk of getting lung cancer.

AmeriServ Radon Mitigation Iowa is the company to call to have your house or business tested for any levels of concern. Checking the Iowa radon map above will make you want to take precautions to protect your family. Our company can install a vent system and fan to pull the radon from beneath your house to the outside. We are your radon mitigation Iowa service provider. This is great since there is no major changes to your house or landscape. Cracks in the foundation will need to be sealed to prevent radon seeping into your house. When the levels are high, you will need to find a trained contractor that has the knowledge and skills to study your home and plan the treatment that is best for your situation. As a homeowner, you should also get references and maybe more than one estimate. Once the work is done, be sure to set up a retest at a later date. AmeriServ Radon Mitigation Iowa is a trusted and reliable company that can take of your radon concerns.

Importance of Radon Mitigation

Radon Mitigation Iowa

Radon levels in many Iowa cities are higher than anywhere else in the country. Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer. The average radon level outside is .4 pCi/L and theRadon mitigation Iowa, Radon Mitigation IA national average in a home is 1.5 pCi/L. The homes in Iowa have shown to have an even greater level than that national average. Radon enters the home through cracks, holes or any openings in your home. Because homes are usually closed up either because the air conditioner is on in the hot Iowa summers, or the furnace is on in the cold Iowa winders, radon has no where to go and builds up in the home. All homes should be checked for radon levels. AmeriServ Radon Mitigation Iowa can perform a quick, inexpensive radon test and find out what the level is in your home. Radon mitigation is a process that removes this harmful gas from your home. Our experts are licensed and insured for the entire state of Iowa. We are your radon mitigation Iowa specialists. Call today for a test of the radon level in your home.

Radon Mitigation IA

After AmeriServ Iowa Radon Mitigation tests your home for the radon level, we will Radon mitigation Iowa, Radon mitigation IAdetermine the best system to get this dangerous gas out of your home and keep you healthy. One way to do this is to drill a hole in your home’s foundation or slab, creating a suction point. A PCV pipe is connected through this hole and becomes a vent for the radon gas to escape. To keep a continuous flow, a fan is installed to this system. AmeriServ Radon Mitigation Iowa also has air purifier systems to keep bacteria, allergens, mold spores and anything else that pollutes your home out of your home. Our fully insured and licensed professionals will help you with your radon and air purifier needs. We have a 5 year warranty on our radon mitigation systems. Call today for one of our specialists to come and check your home for radon, give you the best solution, and give you peace of mind. We are your radon mitigation Iowa experts.

Radon Iowa

Radon in Iowa

High radon levels in your home is a scary thought to any homeowner because it is a leading cause of lung cancer. Families breathe in the air with the radon and it attacks the lungs and cause the cancer. Radon in Iowa comes from the natural decaying of uranium in soil,rock, and water. The radon gas moves up through the ground into the air. When a home is built, it can suck the radon out of the ground through the cracks and holes in your foundation. Your home traps it and the radon levels build up inside your home. Since you cannot see, smell, or taste radon in your house, it must have special testing to see if you have high levels of radon. No level of radon is considered safe by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Homes should have a level of less than 4 picocuries per liter (pCi/L). Higher levels require technical knowledge and special skills from the contractors that AmeriServ Radon Mitigation of Iowa have to set you up with the system designed for your home. Radon in Iowa is a real issue, so don’t ignore it. Consider radon testing and radon mitigation Iowa today.

Radon Levels in IowaRadon in Iowa, Radon levels in Iowa

Due to the uranium in soil, radon levels in Iowa are a big concern. A test on your home is the way to find out if your home has radon. Once the levels are analyzed, experienced workers from AmeriServ Radon Mitigation Iowa will be able to give you a plan for sealing out the radon. Step one in the mitigation of radon would be to seal any cracks or holes in your foundation. A proven method to help reduce radon levels is to install a vent pipe system and fan. The system pulls radon from beneath the house and vents it outside. Your system should include a monitor to make sure the system is operating properly. Every two years you should have your house retested to make sure the vent pipe and fan are doing the job. The safety of your home and family against radon levels should be taken very seriously. A call to AmeriServ Radon Mitigation Iowa will make your home a safe place for your family.


Radon Testing – Why is it so Important?

Radon Testing Iowa

Radon is a silent intruder. It is colorless and odorless and this makes a dangerous combination. Since you can’t see it or smell it, then it is impossible to know whether or not it has infiltrated your home.  Radon is created from the natural process of decaying radium and uranium.   The soil of Iowa is rich with these elements, meaning if you are an Iowa homeowner you could be at risk.  Call AmeriServ today for your test.  We have tested many homes and businesses over our years of service.  We pride ourselves on keeping families safe from disease and providing them with peace of mind.

On average, 400 Iowans die a year as a result of naturally produced gas.  This is a scary statistic.  Radon can enter a home through cracks, sump pumps, pipes, or holes. If you are afraid that your home may have dangerous radon levels.  Do not worry! AmeriServ is here to help.  Our professional team will come to your home or business and test your property.  They will be able to tell you your radon levels  and whether or not there is need for Iowa radon mitigation services and air filters.

 Radon Tester Iowa

We are your leading radon tester and radon mitigation Iowa service provider.  Here at AmeriServ we have a few products and techniques to fight radon. We can either use our professional mitigation services or an air purifier system. Our Iowa radon mitigation systems will direct the radon currently in your home outside. We can even install a radon mitigation Iowa system that will run continuously, directing radon outside. Air purifiers are also a very popular and effective solution. Not only do they prevent radon, but they also stop any other harmful toxins from entering the air. When it comes to radon, we are your go to company. With multiple solutions, we’ll be sure to solve your problem and keep your family safe.